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Year of The Dragon (Korea)

Year of The Dragon (Korea)
Year of The Dragon (Korea) Year of The Dragon 2012 (back)

2012 (MMXII) is kicking off with a first. Starbucks is releasing the first ever New Year Starbucks Card in South Korea. Released just before the Chinese New Year (around the middle of January 2012).

The Chinese New Year for 2012 is labeled the "Year of the Dragon" and is officially celebrated in 2012 on January 23rd, based on the new moon. Starbucks official name is "Lunar New Year". This Card reflects the dragon with paper Chinese New Year lanterns. The top of the Card says 'HAPPY NEW YEAR' and unlike other versions, including the United States, the South Korea version actually uses the "2012" lettering under the HAPPY NEW YEAR (click icon for closer look).

SKU SKU19157
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Year Released 2012
Market price: $9.95
Our price: $7.95
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Quantity (1 available)
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