Home :: Taiwan Cards :: Toy2R Set (Taiwan)

Toy2R Set (Taiwan)

Toy2R Set (Taiwan)
Toy2R Toy2R Toy2R (sleeve)
This is Taiwan's 16th Starbucks card, or in this case a set called "Toy2r Cupeeq Qee" The first card contains a picture of Toy2r Series one Cupequee's and the second card has series 2 Cupequees. This toy is the hottest Toy in Taiwan now and very cute.. so Starbucks in Taiwan launch this set of cards for limited edition. For a closer look, click the magnifying glass above.

This set was released August 2006 and was limited to 10,000 units. The set sold out immediately.

As normal, these Cards have the "smart chip." Cards issued in Taiwan are only good in that country.

Collectors note: These Cards used the "Summer Fun" sleeve included, designed for both Cards.
SKU SKU19019
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.14 lbs
Year Released 2006
Our price: $149.95
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Quantity (1 available)
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