Home :: Mexico Cards :: Thank You 2015 (Mexico)

Thank You 2015 (Mexico)

Thank You 2015 (Mexico)
Thank You 2015 (Mexico) Thank You 2015 (back)

Released in various countries like Russia, United Kingdom, Philippines, South Korea, Singapore and Indonesia to name a few.  This is Mexico's version of the newest "Thank you" Starbucks Card for 2015. This is an updated version of the Thank You 2013 version that had the same theme of the various languages.

"Thanks" or "Thank you" is written in different languages and presented on different colored textures. This is to convey gratitude to any important person, which of course we all are.

NOTE: This card has a scratched pin, otherwise a great example for your collection.  Price is reflective of condition.

SKU SKU19227
Quantity in stock No items available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Year Released 2015
Market price: $4.99
Our price: $2.99
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