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Starbucks Fish Tail

Starbucks Fish Tail
Starbucks Fish Tail (front) Starbucks Fish Tail (back)
Released in North America for the Christmas holiday season is this exclusive design for the Holiday 36 series which was released on November 10th, 2016.

When Starbucks was originally looking for a logo in 1971; they wanted to capture the seafaring tradition of early coffee traders. They pored over old marine books until they came up with a logo based on an old sixteenth-century Norse woodcut: a two-tailed mermaid encircled by the store's original name, Starbucks Coffee, Tea, and Spice.

Today, various products remind customers of the two-tailed mermaid, including this Starbucks Card. You'll find various other siren Cards as well as mugs, cups and other retail items in Starbucks retail stores.
SKU SKU18350
Quantity in stock 7 item(s) available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Year Released 2016
Market price: $4.99
Our price: $1.99
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Quantity (7 available)
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