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Seahawks 2016

Seahawks 2016
Seahawks 2016 (front) Seahawks 2016 (back)

The very first Seahawks Starbucks Card was released 3 years ago on September 3rd, 2013. The latest and now the 4th version is simply called Seahawks 2016. This is the hometown team for Starbucks as they both reside in Seattle, so it's only fitting we see new issues. It's a big deal for the fans of Seattle to show-off these cards and show their pride in the home-town team. This version is also a first with a silver NFL authenticity hologram sticker on the back (see larger image). The front has the Seahawks logo on a lime green football field with the fan 12 in the lower right corner.

SKU SKU18328
Quantity in stock 5 item(s) available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Year Released 2016
Our price: $4.95
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Quantity (5 available)
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