Home :: Japan Cards :: Okinawa - Version 1 (Japan)

Okinawa - Version 1 (Japan)

Okinawa - Version 1 (Japan)
Okinawa (Version 1)
Exclusive to the Japanese market and released June 2nd, 2010 is the Okinawa Card. This is one of 6 Special Edition "city" Cards, even though Okinawa is an island. Of the 6 "city" releases, this is by far the most desired Card.
It should be noted that this Card has had three (3) releases. This is the breakdown.

VERSION #1 - Old siren with STARBUCKS CARD on front. 2010
VERSION #2 - NEW siren with STARBUCKS CARD on front. 2011
VERSION #3 - NEW siren with blank front. 2012

Coral reefs found in this region of Japan, provides an environment to specific fauna. The sea turtles return yearly to the southern islands of Okinawa to lay their eggs. The summer months carry warnings to swimmers regarding poisonous jellyfish and other dangerous sea creatures . Okinawa is a major producer of sugar cane , pineapple , papaya , and other tropical fruit, and the Southeast Botanical Gardens represent tropical plant species.

The island is largely composed of coral rock, and rainwater filtering through that coral has given the island many caves , which played an important role in the Battle of Okinawa. Because the islands are close to China and Taiwan , the United States has large military bases on the island. The area of 14 U.S. bases are 233 square kilometres (90 sq mi), occupying 18% of the main island. Okinawa accounts for less than one percent of Japan's land, but hosts about two-thirds of the 40,000 American forces in the country. Some would find it interesting that Karate originated in Okinawa.
SKU SKU19024
Quantity in stock No items available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Year Released 2010
Market price: $9.95
Our price: $7.95
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