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Holiday 3 Pack

Holiday 3 Pack
Holiday 3 Pack

September 2007 was the release date of TWILIGHT, It shows two people in comfy green chairs, chatting and enjoying their coffee. The painting portrays the various elements of a Starbucks store including the outside table and chairs, the large windows with drapes and the overall warmth during the Twilight of the day.

Two months later during November 2007 was the release of RUSH DELIVERY and WINTER WALK.

RUSH DELIVERY shows two girls riding their Christmas sled (full of wrapped packages) down a snowy hill side. One of the girls is holding a Starbucks cup - hoping it has a tight lid! In the background the pine trees are decorated with lights and running aside the sled is the family faithful "reindeer".

WINTER WALK shows an adult and child, hand-in-hand walking in snow shoes. In the distance are two others making a snowman. Move the Card (side to side) under direct light and the snow will glitter.

SKU SKU18713
Quantity in stock 23 item(s) available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Year Released 2007
Market price: $9.95
Our price: $2.99
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Quantity (23 available)
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