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Halloween 2018

Halloween 2018
Halloween 2018 (front)

Now for the second year, "Halloween 2018" was released in North American on September 18th. Halloween has many traditions. This years design focus' on the jack-o-lantern or carved pumpkin. Many years ago, it's said that to distract spirits from settling into houses and farms, people would carve rudimentary faces into large turnips, and set candles inside. The turnip lanterns would rest along roadways and next to gates, to both light the way for travelers and caution any passing fairies against invading. Today, we use the pumpkin - mostly for fun.

SKU SKU18596
Quantity in stock 12 item(s) available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Year Released 2018
Our price: $1.99
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Quantity (12 available)
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