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Greek Islands 2014 (Canada)

Greek Islands 2014 (Canada)
Greek Islands 2014 (Front)

Released on November 4th, 2014 as part of the 99 issue Starbucks Card Holiday line-up, this Card is called Greek Islands 2014. This is a re-release from August 2007 and was originally available in Greece. This Card shows two fishing boats in the bay and the traditional style of a Greek bungalow overlooking the water. A number of changes have been made on this issue, including the new sirens eye, dropping the STARBUCKSCARD line and replacing it with 2014 Limited Edition. The word GREECE was left of the siren eye, but obviously dropped. Other subtle changes were made - including the boats, both were docked in the original and the lettering around the life savers are now gone. With a good eye, you'll probably find some other small changes.

NOTE: This is the Canadian version with English and French

SKU SKU180581
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Year Released 2014
Market price: $4.99
Our price: $1.99
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Quantity (1 available)
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