Home :: Sleeves :: Coffea Arabica Sleeve (Greece)

Coffea Arabica Sleeve (Greece)

Coffea Arabica Sleeve (Greece)
Coffea Arabica Sleeve (Greece)

This Sleeve was issued during the Coffea Arabica Card release late summer 2007. Even though Greece didn't release the Coffea Arabica Card, this Sleeve was used for a very short time without the Coffea Arabica Card. It's believed that it was made for the Coffea Arabica Card but for whatever reason the Card was never released in Greece.

The artwork is very simuliar to the Hong Kong Sleeve of the same name but this issue has orange on dark brown with a orange flap.

Collectors Note: Rarely have we seen this Sleeve. We are rating this a HARD-TO-FIND.

SKU SKU19199
Quantity in stock No items available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Year Released 2007
Our price: $4.95
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