Because October is National Disability Awareness Month, it's not known why Braille 2018 was released in early July 2018. The design shows various styles of coffee drinks with the braille to the left of the sirens eye where the various bumps spell out "Starbucks". This is the 8th year for braille series and the 7th design. The Braille system is a method that is widely used by blind people to read and write, and was the first digital form of writing that was devised in 1825 by Louis Braille. Each Braille character, or cell, is made up of six dot positions, arranged in a rectangle containing two columns of three dots each. A dot may be raised at any of the six positions to form sixty-four (2 6 ) possible subsets, including the arrangement in which no dots are raised. The Canadian version has the bi-lingual English/French on the reverse.