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April Showers (Canada)

April Showers (Canada)
April Showers (Canada) April Showers (back)

"April Showers" is the first official Starbucks Card with the new company logo in the top right corner. Officially it's called "Tree of Life" but many have referred to it as "April Showers" This is yet another tweaking, or simplification, of the original. This time the circle has been removed and the words “Starbucks Coffee” are gone. The new marquee appears in only one color: green. With the new logo, the “siren” mermaid still has no nipples as it did in 1971. This Card is very colorful with various birds and flowers, with the focal point being the cloud just under the new logo. The cloud is raining on the flowers below - hence the "April Showers" name. The Canadian version has the bi-lingual English/French on the reverse.

SKU SKU19148
Quantity in stock 2 item(s) available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Year Released 2010
Market price: $2.99
Our price: $1.99
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Quantity (2 available)
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