Home :: Turkey Cards :: Ankara (Turkey)

Ankara (Turkey)

Ankara (Turkey)
Ankara (Turkey) Ankara (back) Ankara (sleeve)
This is the first Starbucks Card for Turkey, released the end of June 2010. Cafes have been in the country for a number of years, but the Starbucks Card program is new in 2010.

This Card is called Ankara, which is the capital of Turkey and their second largest city of almost five (5) million people. The primary landmark of the city is Atakule Tower, which is centered on this septa toned Card. At the top of the 410 foot tower is a revolving restaurant that makes a full 360 degree turn every hour.

The bottom of the Card is labeled Ankara, with Starbucks Coffee Turkey underneath. The back is mostly written in Turk with a unique numbering system for their Cards. (click icon for closer look).

This issue has a Matching Sleeve included.

More About Ankara

Ankara is an important commercial and industrial city. It is the center of the Turkish Government , and houses all foreign embassies. It is an important crossroads of trade, strategically located at the centre of Turkey's highway and railway networks, and serves as the marketing centre for the surrounding agricultural area. The city was famous for its long-haired Angora goat and its prized wool ( mohair ), a unique breed of cat ( Angora cat ), white rabbits and their prized wool ( Angora wool ), pears, honey, and the region's muscat grapes.
SKU SKU19083
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Year Released 2010
Market price: $149.95
Our price: $99.95
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Quantity (1 available)
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