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Issued Spring 2003, this card was released during the Vespa promotion. This card has became collectable with scooter enthusiasts because of the Vespa image. The matching sleeve says: ' Your passion should take you places. And if you follow that passion, where will it take you? Will you travel by scooter through scenic Italia, you and a friend, seeking adventure in every village? Or will you linger at the cafe, have another espresso and watch interesting strangers walk by? So much freedom to choose, all you have to do is follow your heart. What stirs you'?

In addition, this card won the 2003 International Card Manufacturers Association (ICMA) Élan Award in the Best Non-Financial Card Design for Card Manufacturing Excellence category. The winning card, "Vespa", pictures whimsically animated artwork of a Vespa scooter and patrons enjoying coffee outside an Italian style bistro.

The card was manufactured using a unique process on clear PVC. The card was complicated to manufacture, requiring several additional printing steps, more than is usually needed for a typical four-color card.
SKU SKU17834
Quantity in stock No items available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Our price: $59.95
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