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Twilight (Thailand)

Twilight (Thailand)

Released on the heals (less than one month) of the TEMPLE Card is the TWILIGHT Starbucks Card, released early August 2007. This Card is the epitome of what we do at Starbucks and portrayed in a very colorful Starbucks Card. It shows two people in comfy green chairs, chatting and enjoying their coffee. This Card also has a painting texture on the reverse, a first for any Starbucks Card. The painting portrays the various elements of a Starbucks store including the outside table and chairs, the large windows with drapes and the overall warmth during the Twilight of the day.

SKU SKU17953
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Year Released 2007
Our price: $2.99
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Quantity (1 available)
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