

As part of a mass city and state release for regional Cards, TEXAS is one of a half dozen releases at the end of April 2012. Like other state cards, i.e., Hawaii and Florida, this will be available in most cities in Texas where there's a corporate Starbucks store. Texas is almost considered as 'another country' with the independent attitudes and huge pride of culture and history. This Card reflects a few icons that remind us of Texas, including cowboy boots with spurs, a cowboy hat, horseshoes, long horn cattle and stars, the nickname of Texas - "The Long Star State". They say "everything is bigger in Texas" and so is the bold font of TEXAS in the bottom right. Texas is the second largest U.S. state, behind Alaska, with an area of 268,820 square miles). It is 10% larger than France and almost twice as large as Germany or Japan, though it ranks only 27th worldwide amongst country subdivisions by size . Almost 25.7 million people make Texas their home.

SKU SKU17821
Quantity in stock No items available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Year Released 2012
Market price: $7.95
Our price: $4.95
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