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Space Needle

Space Needle

Most major cites have a special iconic landmark, be it a building, statue or bridge. Seattle's recognizable landmark is the Space Needle. Erected for the Seattle's World's Fair of 1962, it only took about 8 months to build in 1961. The restaurant platform at the top turns a full 360 degrees, so you can have lunch or dinner and watch the city pass you by.

The Starbucks Card depicts the original color, "Galaxy Gold" as it was repainted for the 50th anniversary in 2012. Released June of 2014 and available in the greater Seattle area.

SKU SKU18024
Quantity in stock 3 item(s) available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Year Released 2014
Market price: $7.95
Our price: $4.95
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Quantity (3 available)
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