Home :: USA Cards :: Preservation



Released in North America on March 9th, 2010, is the latest fund raising Starbucks Card. This one is called "Preservation", an effort to save and preserve our forests. Working much like the RED Card program, when used, 5 cents is donated to Conservation International to help the preservation effort. This program is active until 12-31-10 and more information can be found at conservation.org This Card is very colorful with a bright green leaf as the background. Instead of the STARBUCKS CARD line through the middle, it was replaced with PRESERVATION. The bottom right corner has the Conservation International logo. The far right panel, once clear, is now filled with more of the leaf image. The back of the Card has also changed with placement of the Card number and pin fields, among special wording for the program.

SKU SKU17782
Quantity in stock 9 item(s) available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Year Released 2010
Market price: $7.95
Our price: $1.99
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Quantity (9 available)
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