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Holiday Wreath

Holiday Wreath
Holiday Wreath (front) Holiday Wreath (back)
Released in North America November 10th, 2015 is this colorful holiday Starbucks Card called Holiday Wreath.

Generally speaking, a wreath can be an assortment of flowers, leaves, fruits, twigs or various materials that is constructed to resemble a ring.

In English-speaking countries, wreaths are used typically as household ornaments, mainly as Christmas decoration. They are also used in ceremonial events in many cultures around the globe. Wreaths have much history and symbolism associated with them. They are usually made from evergreens (as this Starbucks Card shows) and symbolize strength, as evergreens last even throughout the harshest winters. Bay laurel may also be used, and these wreaths are known as laurel wreath.
SKU SKU18197
Quantity in stock 10 item(s) available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Year Released 2015
Market price: $2.99
Our price: $1.99
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Quantity (10 available)
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