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Hawaiian Paradise

Hawaiian Paradise

As you peer through the tropical trees and plants that include colorful ginger and plumeria ( the flower lei's are made) and imagine how the soft warm sand and cool refreshing water will feel, you say to yourself, "this is paradise".

Hawaiian Paradise was released June 2014 in Hawaii, making this the 6th Starbucks Card for Hawaii, more than any other city or state Starbucks Card.

SKU SKU18025
Quantity in stock No items available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Year Released 2014
Our price: $7.95
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Monogram G Teacher 2016 Gingerbread Starbucks
Gift Tags - Yellow Washington - Mt. Rainier Sweeter Than A Candy Cane
Wedding (Taiwan) Once A Year (Taiwan) Teacher 2013 (Canada)

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