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Comfy Red Chair

Comfy Red Chair
Comfy Red Chair

Starbucks has released the "Comfy Red Chair" card as a new core card in the fall of 2004. It will replace the tired "Classic Core" Card used since the inception of the Starbucks card in 2001. The design shows a large red Starbucks chair, table with newspaper and paper coffee cup (after close inspection, a Vanilla Latte). The left side of the card has familiar phrases you might hear in a Starbucks cafe, like "Let's sit at the window", "room for cream in that", or "good to see you again."

SKU SKU17717
Quantity in stock 13 item(s) available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Market price: $4.95
Our price: $1.99
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Quantity (13 available)
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