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40th Anniversary (Switzerland)

40th Anniversary (Switzerland)
40th Anniversary (Switzerland) 40 Anniversary Switzerland (back)

For those that like collecting varieties, this is an interesting one. Of course everyone is familiar with the 40th Anniversary Card, but this one released in Switzerland; about 8 months* after North America (late 2011), is unique to Switzerland. The one noticeable difference with the front is the STARBUCKS GIFT CARD instead of SPECIAL EDITION. That in itself is interesting as back in 2001 when the Starbucks Card was being introduced, the powers that be decided against the GIFT CARD concept in lieu of STARBUCKS CARD. So the question would be, why is Switzerland doing this?

The reverse is also a complete overhaul of what we're used to. Written in German and French, the other Card details are missing, i.e. any copyright reference, card numbering information, etc. Click icon for closer look.

SKU SKU19256
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.07 lbs
Year Released 2011
Market price: $24.95
Our price: $19.95
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Quantity (1 available)
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